Wednesday 13 January 2010

Ways to Develop Your Mental Toughness

Your general mental health stems from how mentally equipped you are to deal with setbacks. Even the most hardened people have , at one time or another, suffered from a mental collapse. If you feel that you find it difficult to cope with the way the world is, you are not alone. There are many ways we can develop stress and depression because of the sensitive nature of being human.
Sadly there is still a lot of stigma surrounding issues around mental health. If we fall ill with a physical disease, we are a lot more open to telling others. Feeling down is often seen by the individual as a sign of weakness. If you fall into this category please take these feelings seriously.
What is it that gives us mental strength? Well, some of it seems to be genetic. Mental health is well documented to be partially attributable to hereditary factors. Experience is also very important when it comes to mental strength. If we are happy with our current lifestyle, we also feel more confident in who we are. If you feel that you need to build up your mental toughness, there are a number of things you can do.
You should talk to people who can help you when you encounter problems. Too many times, people bottle up their emotions from others. Sometimes what we need is a friend who can be there for you. If you develop low feelings that become overwhelming, you should speak to a doctor or other professionals.
A reality check is needed every now and again when things get on top of you. You need to think whether you are taking too much on your plate. Try to keep a focus on your priorities. It can be tempting to try to take on more and more things to forget about feeling low, this is a self defeating strategy. Be smart in the choosing the extra activities you take on for instance, take up a sport or hobby that builds your emotional strength up.
If there is one word you should remember when it comes to mental strength, it is balance. Balance means that you have a sense that all the important parts of your life are working together in harmony. Each individual has a different concept of balance. This is because we all lead individual lives with different needs. Your sense of balance may change at different stages of your life. You may work longer hours than most, but if it gives you the financial rewards you crave and the time to do them then you are likely to feel stable and balanced. However, when we are feeling off balance the slightest thing can tip us over the edge. Once we become overwhelmed we are unable to make clear decisions.
The secret to balance is to remain in control of yourself and your goals, to keep moving forwards.
Your sense of balance will change along with your life priorities. As a young adult you may find balance through your social life. When you get older, other things such as job security may become more important. Once you reach the middle of your life , you may have become financially secure and want to rediscover yourself again. Taking some time out regularly to consider where you are and where you come from is important. Think carefully about what is important to you in respect of balance and stability.
We make many assumptions about what we ‘need’ to be happy in life. Some of this is because of intimate social pressures such as family, friends, and wider social pressures such as the mass media. The truth is only you know what is best for you. Learn to trust your instincts more and listen to your inner voice. Think hard about whether there is too much going on in your life at the moment. Are your family suffering because you have taken too much on at work? Ask yourself what you would be doing in an ideal world? Then try to implement a strategy that allows you to get as close to it as possible.
Never underestimate the importance of balance in your life. Getting the balance right will improve your quality of life beyond your wildest dreams. Remember to seek help when it is necessary, but don’t lose sight of the responsibility you owe to yourself.
I hope you found this information helpful. For your free weekly newsletter and free video showing you step-by-step how to overcome negative thinking patterns please visit

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